Tuesday, May 12, 2009

For those that have been worried/pestering us for details

What went down two nights ago was the result of a vindictive sycophant, nihilistic and petty girl. We should have called the cops - but we chose not to. It was an invasion of privacy. Trespassing. Domestic violence. Whatever it was, it was just fucking psychotic. If you have seen/heard through the grapevine about what went down - or have stumbled upon the broken glass that has littered our front steps, then you have a small idea of what happened. The kitchen is in even worse shape. It is completely littered with broken shit. If you're wondering about what spurred this onslaught of CRAZY, it's because I chose to sell my shit for quick cash since I am broke/jobless and owe people money. That's right. I chose to sell my own stuff for cash to pay off debts and she went ape-shit on the apartment over a pot that you can get at Value Village for a dollar.

We are dealing with it as best as we can. We really can't quench people's thirst for scandalous gossip nor do we really want to or have the energy to. Thanks for your concern and whatever you've heard - it's probably true. So, take it all with a grain of salt and send us some good vibrations. Hell, it doesn't even matter whose side you are on, this is fucking inexcusable. We should have called the cops and you should have paid for what you've done to what little possessions we owned. They aren't worth much, but they held sentimental value - and it sure as hell is worth a lot more than the shit you own.

People like you are the reason why there's no more love in this world. You are an ugly person for wrecking havoc on a place all of us have tried hard to call 'home' this year and for spreading lies about me and the people I love. You have no respect for anybody's possessions. You're just selfish, but I guess you already knew that.

If people are disappointing you, if life's going the opposite of whatever direction you wanted it to go, if you think humanity is disgusting - just kick back and chug a beer. No stress and no worries. The best you can do is love people for their flaws and move on.

Nobody's perfect. I'm certainly not. But I do my goddamn fucking best to love and live with my whole heart. If you give me your loyalty, I will the best goddamn friend you will ever have. In one night you have severed ties with everyone that ever cared for you. I will never understand your motive. Nobody that was present that night ever will.

I have nothing more to say. This is the morning after the storm. I am a calm blue sea.

Peace and love.