Sunday, May 17, 2009

Darth Vader's Rage Theory

The making of a band was inevitable. (We spend way too much time together). We also all enjoy dabbling in music in various ways. So we've formed a band (very college, I know). We are Darth Vader's Rage Theory.

We recorded a cover of Flogging Molly's "If I Ever Leave this World Alive":

Aubrey: vocals
Cherlaine: guitar, back-up vocals
Carolyn: dulcimer, tambourine, back-up vocals

If I Ever Leave This World Alive - Darth Vaders Rage Theory

Isn't Aubrey's voice darling?

P.S. we didn't know how to use garage band, so we used Cherlaine's crappy recording system. If anyone knows garageband - please give us a quick tutorial of it. kthx.
P.P.S. I don't know if you guys can hear the full version or just a quick 30sec snippet - but there is an option to hear the full version. Just dick around with it; should be 2:06 min long - click on 'press to hear full song'

feedback would be lovely.

Things that make me happy as of late:
-Darth Vader's Rage Theory
-hours and hours of watching/playing Legend of Zelda - wind waker


Scribbles and Scratches of a Wanderer said...

that was amazing

wanderlust said...

i know garage band! i used to use it to record lectures that i subsequently slept through.